Dear Readers:


In May of 1982 three Black Lesbians came together and decided to start a publication that would act as a vehicle for the ideas and concerns of the Black lesbians in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. That publication was given the name the Black Lesbian Newsletter.

We ushered in the New Year by changing the name to ONYX (Black Lesbian Newsletter.) At that same time, we went from a monthly to a bimonthly format and made the decision to become a national publication. To our knowledge, we are the only exclusively Black lesbian publication in the nation.

In our frenzy in putting out the June-July Newsletter, we failed to acknowledge the Newsletter's first anniversary. By doing so now, we want to thank you for sticking with us and helping us gradually grow. Over a period of time the staff of ONYX (BLN) has changed, but those changes have never threatened the continuity of Newsletter.


We know all too well how the media ignores Black women, especially the Black lesbian, that is why it continues to be important to us to maintain this constant voice of Black lesbians. Not only will we voice our concerns and speak of our lives, we will stand up for what we believe to be right. We will continue to fight against the "isms" that prevent us from living better lives... racism, sexism, capitalism, homophobia.

as well


This past year has opened our eyes wider than we thought they would have to be opened. We have seen the overwhelming racism in almost every aspect of the women's/lesbian/gay community (for some reason we thought it would be safer in this community).

A year ago when we exposed a racist incident in a women's bar in Oakland, CA, an attempt was made to discredit both our paper and the individual Black women involved. We were attacked for documenting just one of a long line of racist occurrences in this community. We were somehow naive enough to expect support. Instead of support, we have witnessed the lack of integrity and ethics in the women's/lesbian/gay press and the community at large.

We as Black lesbians are concerned about the state of our lives and our world. The invasion of Grenada, the enslavement of the Black people of South Africa, the in El Salvador and other Central American countries, the war in Lebanon, the continued proliferation of nuclear arms, and all other forms of oppression are our concerns, too.


ONYX (BLN) is your voice, we encourage you to use it. You took a chance on us, we appreciate your support over this past year and a half. We will continue to honor ourselves via this forum.

The Editors

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